William Buchan
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Médecine Domestique: Ou, Traité Complet Des Moyens De Se Conserver En Santé, De Guérir & De Prévenir Les Maladies, Par Le Régime & Les Remedes ... De Tout Le Monde, Volume 3 (French Edition)
Domestic medicine: or, a treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases by regimen and simple medicines. With an appendix, containing a dispensatory for the use of private practitioners.
Medicina Domestica O Sia Trattato Completo Di Mezzi Semplici Per Conservarsi In Salute, Impedire E Risanare Le Malattie... (Italian Edition)
Observations concerning the prevention and cure of the venereal disease. Intended to guard the ignorant and unwary against the baneful effects of that ... With an appendix, ... By W. Buchan, M.D. ...
The rags of time: A fragment of autobiography
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